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serving tewksbury, lowell, andover, wilmington, the surrounding communities, middlesex county, and throughout massachusetts, new hampshire, and maine

practice 01

What is an IEP?

practice 02

What is included in an IEP?

practice 03

What is Compensatory Education?

practice 04

Why should I hire an IEP Lawyer?

Special Education & IEP Lawyer, Advocating for Children & Helping Families Navigate the IEP Process

As a dedicated IEP Lawyer and Special Education Attorney, I have provided affordable, tenacious representation to clients for nearly 20 years. I represent students and families seeking to obtain educational accommodations under the Individuals with Disabilities Act (“IDEA”) in Tewksbury, Lowell, Woburn, and the surrounding communities.

I will advocate for your student, and provide the support you and your family need during the IEP process.


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